8 Back to School Organization Ideas

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Do you struggle to stay organized during the school year?

The back to school season will be here before we know it, and although it might look a little bit different this year, staying organized at school or at home will be very important to everyone’s success…and sanity!

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    If you’re struggling to stay organized and stick to a morning routine that works, I’ve put together some simple back to school organization ideas to help your week run as smooth as possible.

    There are a few things you can do on the weekends, or on the night before, that only take a few minutes, but can set you up for success during the week.

    I absolutely cannot stand to be scrambling around in the mornings, desperately trying to find homework folders, and sifting through the pantry in an attempt to throw together something that vaguely resembles lunch.

    That’s why I love these easy back to school organization ideas, to help me stay calm and sane all the way until Friday!

    More back to school posts:

    Back to School Organization Ideas

    Establish an Organized Morning Routine

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    It’s important to establish an organized morning routine so that everyone knows what to expect, and you can get out the door on time.

    This usually starts with me getting up early, so I can make sure I have a little time for myself, before the day jumps into hyper speed.

    We always do baths and showers at night (not every night), so we don’t have to worry about that in the morning.

    I try to be as ready as possible by the time the kids get up.

    Our kids usually wake up ready to eat, then we get dressed, double check that lunches and homework folders have been packed in the backpacks, and we are ready to go.

    If I’ve planned breakfast and prepped lunches on the weekend or the night before, things usually run pretty smoothly.

    RelatedOrganized Morning Routine for Busy Moms

    Prep Lunches and Meals in Advance

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    I love to do as much meal planning and prep on Sundays if I can.

    Most of the time, it’s peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for my picky kindergartner, which can be really time consuming to make in the mornings.

    We found this really fun and simple sandwich cutter that we can use to make our own DIY uncrustables.

    I make all of the sandwiches for the entire week on Sunday, and pop them into the freezer.

    Each morning, I can simply grab a sandwich for his lunch box and he’s ready to go!

    We also like to keep frozen breakfasts stocked in the freezer for a simple way to serve a warm breakfast each morning.

    Our go to breakfast options include:

    • Frozen waffles
    • French Toast Sticks
    • Toaster Strudels
    • Mini Pancakes

    Eggo waffles can get a little pricey, so sometimes I like to make my own.  Here is a fun and easy chocolate chip waffle recipe that you can prep and freeze for the week.

    Related:  4 Easy Back to School Lunch Ideas

    Keep Your Entry Way Organized and Clutter Free

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    We live in a very small home, making entry way clutter one of our biggest challenges.

    I’m sure you are familiar with this scenario as well…

    Everyone rushes in the door toward their electronic devices, throwing their backpack on the floor, and leaving their shoes, paper clutter, library books, and folders….everywhere!

    If you don’t have an entryway closet to conceal these items, it can make the front of the house look and feel a bit overwhelming.

    In our home, I decided to hang large command hooks on the wall by the door.  This way, everyone has a place for their bag as they enter the house.

    We also have large baskets by the door, and our children are trained to place their “shoes in the bin” as they walk in the door.

    The baskets do tend to get cluttered from time to time, so we try to empty them out at the end of each week, placing everything back in it’s proper place around the house.

    RelatedAffordable Storage Ideas

    Get a Fantastic Planner (The Living Well Planner)

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    PTA meetings, cub scouts, projects, and sports…oh my!

    I was surprised at how much is already going on during the school year, even for our little Kindergartner.

    If you don’t have an amazing planner to keep you on task, then the Living Well Planner is for you.

    The Living Well Planner helps you to not only take care of the things everyone else needs from you, but also ensures that you are scheduling and making time for your personal goals.

    I’ve been using this planner for several months now, and I love the way it keeps me on task and organized.

    There are sections for goal setting, project planning, organizing your money, and even a place to record your thanks and gratitude.

    I highly recommend this planner for busy moms that are constantly fighting the overwhelm of life!

    RelatedBest Planners for Busy Moms

    Set Up an Organized Homework Caddy

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    Homework and projects start this week for our little man, so we will want to make sure we have an organized station for him to sit down, focus, and feel confident while he works.

    You can find little shower caddies almost anywhere for super cheap (check the Dollar Tree or Target Dollar Spot), and keep it stocked with markers, crayons, pencils, rulers, and anything else your child might need.

    Homework caddies can be especially helpful if you have multiple children that like to fight over things.

    Simply label each caddy with your child’s name, and they can each have their own designated organizer for homework or craft time.

    Set Your Kids Up for Homework Success

    Is homework time always a battle in your home?

    Are you struggling to get the kids to take their homework seriously?

    JoAnn Crohn from No Guilt Mom, recently released an amazing book called Drama Free Homework.

    This helpful read, will show you how to encourage independence in your kids when it comes to homework time.

    Don’t miss out on this one!

    You can also grab this adorable free printable homework planner from Mint, to keep your kids organized and on track this school year.

    Put Together a Hair Kit

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    Now that my daughter is almost 4, she has so much hair!

    We are to the stage where her curly locks must be tamed in the morning.

    I threw together a quick and easy hair organization kit so we have everything we need in one place, when we need to get her hair ready each day.

    This simple hair organization basket has:

    • Water spray bottle
    • Detangling spray
    • Brush
    • Comb
    • Bobby pins
    • Tiny elastics (I love these for braids and other complicated hair styles)
    • Hair accessories (barrettes, clips, ponytail holders, headbands)

    Frugal TipYou can get things like hair elastics, barrettes, clips, and headbands, at the Dollar Tree, for yes, you guessed it….only $1!  Love this because these items get lost and are often those tiny hair elastics are often one time use before they get destroyed.

    I love this organization box, and it actually has several uses around the house such as desk organization, craft projects, or small toys.

    You can use it to organize hair accessories, and keep all of those bobby pins from disappearing.  Where do they go, anyway?!

    Keep everything in a bin or basket, with a spray bottle of water, and also a bottle of detangling spray to prevent hair brushing drama.

    I keep everything in a little bin, and try to sneak up behind her to brush her hair while she’s watching morning cartoons and nice and distracted!

    Create a Capsule Wardrobe for Your Kid’s Clothing

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    Getting the kids dressed in the morning can be a little overwhelming if your kids have a massive amount of clothing.

    You have probably accumulated quite a lot of clothes from grandparents, birthday parties, and hand me downs, making morning outfit choices feel like a chore.

    One of the best things you can do to organize your week for school is to pare down your child’s closet to a few simple mix and match basics and essentials.

    Creating a capsule wardrobe for your child might sound weird, but it seriously makes things so much easier to handle in the morning.

    I love this guide to creating a capsule wardrobe for your kids.  It lists exactly what you need to create hundreds of different outfits, and even gives sample outfits!  All the hard work is done for you.

    There’s also a mom version, that I use to tame my own closet.

    RelatedHow to Save Money on Kid’s Clothes

    Develop an After School Routine

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    Developing a solid after school routine is just as important as having a structured morning.

    Make a small checklist for your kids to include things like:  a simple chore, unpacking their backpacks and lunchboxes, and making sure their shoes are placed by their door.

    You can even help them pick out tomorrow’s outfit and be totally ready for the next day.

    The time after school and before dinner, is a great time to practice reading or complete any homework that the kids might have.

    Reward them by giving them a little fun screen time, or play dates with friends, when the tasks are complete.

    What are your best back to school organization ideas to keep your home efficient during the busy and chaotic school year?

    Looking for ways to save money this school year?  Check out my best back to school saving tips and hacks here.

    Let me know in the comments!

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    I’m a wife, mom of three, doctor, and blogger! In 2018, I decided to turn my mom blog, into a personal finance blog so others could follow along on our journey to pay off over HALF a MILLION dollars in student loan and practice start up debt. I hope you enjoy following along, and maybe even find some inspiration along the way.