26+ Christmas Sugar Cookie Decorating Ideas

Shannon Cairns

October 25, 2022


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If you need some Christmas sugar cookie decorating ideas this year, we’ve got you covered! Find all kinds of decorated Christmas cookies with tutorials below to inspire you!

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Do you like to bake during the holidays? We do! Christmas cookies are a must in our house each year, and we’re always on the hunt for Christmas sugar cookie decorating ideas and tips, so I decided to put a list of my favorite tutorials together for you!

Each of the recipes below also includes tutorials on how to re-create the designs shown! There are designs easy enough kids can help, and designs that are more advanced – pick your favorites and get baking!

These decorated Christmas sugar cookies would be great for putting in kids’ goodie bags, for cookie exchanges, or for including in DIY Christmas gift baskets!

Christmas Cookie Decorating Tips

Decorating cookies during the holidays is something we love doing! Let your creativity take over and make festive desserts!

  • Sprinkles. Sprinkles are quick and easy, and can make an ordinary cookie amazing!
  • Frosting. The right frosting can make decorating so much easier! Use a quality recipe to make sure your cookies turn out beautiful!
  • Dough. Be sure to use a cookie recipe that doesn’t change shape if you’re doing cut-out cookies. You can even change the color of the dough to make your cookies pretty!
  • Clean Up. Make clean up easy by decorating over wax paper!

Christmas Sugar Cookie Decorating Ideas

Want more Christmas ideas?

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hi! I'm shannon

I’m a wife, mom of three, doctor, and blogger! In 2018, I decided to turn my mom blog, into a personal finance blog so others could follow along on our journey to pay off over HALF a MILLION dollars in student loan and practice start up debt. I hope you enjoy following along, and maybe even find some inspiration along the way.