Meal and Menu Planning Printables

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Are you grappling to manage a busy life and want to eat healthy at the same time? Menu and meal planning may be the answer to that problem! Save time and get the proper nutrients your body needs with these printable weekly meal planners.

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Using a meal prep for the days of the week when you can’t find enough time to cook healthy, homemade meals is the best thing you can ever do for your family.  I love planning our meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Not only does it save me time and money, but I also enjoy that I can easily whip something up in the fridge, heat it, then serve it immediately to my hungry kids. The best part? It’s all healthy.

Over the years, my weekly meal planner templates keep on growing. Currently, I pick and choose which ones I want to make use of for the week. If you’re running out of meal planning ideas or you simply do not have the time to create your own, these meal and menu printables will help your grocery list for the month!

Below is a collectanea of free printable meal planners with various meal plan templates for you to choose from. I have black ones, colorful ones, horizontal ones, vertical ones, ones with only snacks in them, ones with a shopping list, and so on!

There may also be days (or even weeks) where we won’t be able to use these, and that’s okay. Life happens and sometimes time isn’t on our side.

Healthy Meal Plan Printables

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*** Local Caption *** Two cheese sandwiches with a bowl of soup

I know firsthand how bustling life can be, especially during the week, so I wanted to share all of these weekly meal plan printables with you! Every last one of them is free. You can download one or download them all! Thoroughly up to you.

I’ve tried to keep the pages collocated given the expanse and quantity of options in terms of templates you can choose from to download in proportion to your home’s specific needs and your color predilection. 

The different menu planner layouts have variable choices from a Sunday start, a Monday start, and a number of contrasting colors. I’m optimistic that you’ll obtain the perfect meal plan for your family and home! 

If not, leave a comment and I’ll see what I can do about adding even more! If you’re feeling generous or appreciative of the free downloads I’d love a shoutout from your blog or a post on Pinterest, but that’s isn’t required of course!

It is worth inscribing that the black frontiers around each of the bigger images are just for this post. There isn’t a black border around any of them when printed. 

The weekly meal plan templates will give you a little more prerogative as to what you want to write down for each day. Planning to bypass breakfast at home? No problem, just suffuse it out with lunch and dinner recourses! 

Honestly, who doesn’t have more cadence to scheme out delicious meals on the weekends than those chaotic weeknights!? That is what these meal and menu planners are for! If you’re just like me who only has the weekend off to themselves, printables are a lifesaver.

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Homemade Sliced Turkey Breast for Thanksgiving Dinner

Enjoy this list of meal and menu planning printables! Meal planning is one of the best ways to save money and what better way to start than with one of these free (or cheap!) menu planners!

TIP: Be sure to download the FREE app that saves you money on groceries and more when you snap a quick pic of your receipt! See it here!

Monthly Meal Menu Planner

Free Menu Planning Printables

Meal Menu Planner Editable PDF

Weekly Menu Planner, free


Another free editable planner

Colorful Menu Planner

Colorful Menu Planner
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Mother’s Day Menu Planners

Camping Meal Planner

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hi! I'm shannon

I’m a wife, mom of three, doctor, and blogger! In 2018, I decided to turn my mom blog, into a personal finance blog so others could follow along on our journey to pay off over HALF a MILLION dollars in student loan and practice start up debt. I hope you enjoy following along, and maybe even find some inspiration along the way.