Best Personal Finance Books for Women

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I spent so much time reading and studying for exams for the first quarter of my life, that I didn’t do a whole lot of reading for fun.

Now that I’m a better with my time management, and see the importance of reading every day, I can’t wait to decide what to read next!

I prefer to select books that further my education, personal development, or inspire and motivate me.

I think everyone should spend at least 10 minutes a day reading a personal development book of some kind.

I started doing this after reading The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson, which is an excellent place to start if you are looking for some serious life motivation.

Since my main goal, in this season of life, is getting out of debt, I’ve been burying my nose in to some inspiring personal finance books.

Related post: How to pay off debt fast

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    I usually listen to the Dave Ramsey Podcast, but lately I’ve been listening to books on Audible.

    I love listening to audio books because I can multitask with my driving time and still hit my “reading” goals.

    You can get two free audiobooks on Audible and a 30 day free trial here.

    Don’t be intimidated about money!  These personal finance books are all easy reads, and share simple methods for paying off debt and building wealth.

    Related PostHow to Pay Off Debt Fast

    Personal finance doesn’t have to be difficult, but it does take effort to win with money!

    Whatever you think about, you bring about.  If you want to be good with your money you should be constantly reading, learning, and doing what other successful people are doing.

    Best Personal Finance Books for Women:

    Best Personal Finance Books for Women
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    You’re a Bad Ass at Making Money– This is a great read to get you fired up and totally shift your mindset about money.

    The Total Money Makeover- The ultimate tool for personal finance in my opinion! Dave Ramsey’s simple baby step plan for paying off debt and building wealth is perfect for everyone.

    Everything is Figureoutable– This book will inspire and teach you that you really can figure ANYTHING out.

    Think and Grow Rich– An oldie but goodie. This one is a classic personal finance must read.

    Love Your Life Not Theirs– How the power of contentment can affect your money habits. Stop comparing yourself to the Facebook highlight reel, and learn to be happy with what you have.

    Living Well Spending Less– Perfect for overwhelmed moms. Get control of your budget and your life once and for all.

    Smart Money Smart Kids– Now you know how to handle money, but do you know how to pass those excellent life skills down to your kids?! Don’t leave it up to the schools! Learn how to teach your kids to manage money well.

    Confessions of a Scholarship Winner– You don’t have to go completely broke to go to school! I wish I had read this book before going half a million dollars into debt for my education.  You can change the future for your kids.

    Retire Inspired– You don’t have to fear retirement, but you do have to focus! Far too many Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and not saving for retirement. This is a perfect follow up to The Total Money Makeover.

    The Millionaire Next Door– The first time I realized what a horrible job doctors are doing with their money, was after reading this book. Learn what real millionaires do with their money. Hint: it’s not going in to debt for a brand new Benz.

    Rich Dad, Poor Dad– Even if you’re a mom, the same principles apply! Learn what the rich teach their children about money that the poor do not.

    Smart Women Finish Rich– Learn how to manage your money well, and gain financial freedom!

    Miracle Morning Millionaires– Getting up early has changed my life in so many ways. It’s no wonder that a miracle morning routine can change your money habits as well.

    Secrets of the Millionaire Mind– Much like religious or political beliefs, we grew up with certain feelings about money and wealth. This book will help you look at money in a different way. Change your mindset and change your life.

    What am I missing?  Let me know in the comments so I can check it out!  Happy Reading!

    Best money management books of all time for women.  If you're interested in personal finance, learning how to budget, investing for beginners, paying off debt, or living a frugal life, these books are perfect for you.
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    hi! I'm shannon

    I’m a wife, mom of three, doctor, and blogger! In 2018, I decided to turn my mom blog, into a personal finance blog so others could follow along on our journey to pay off over HALF a MILLION dollars in student loan and practice start up debt. I hope you enjoy following along, and maybe even find some inspiration along the way.