If you have a large amount of debt like me, it can be a daily struggle to stay motivated.

Set small measurable goals

If you really do just have one huge lump sum due to a consolidation or something, then set small goals.

Do the debt snowball method

In keeping with the theme of small goals, the debt snowball method uses the motivation of small wins to keep you pushing forward.

Move the needle

If you calculate how long it’s going to take you to pay off your debt, and you think it’s wayyy too long.  Make more money!

Remember your why

You have to have a constant reminder for why you are doing this.  Getting in to debt is super easy, getting out…not so much.

Celebrate small wins

You need to celebrate the little wins.  Don’t go out and buy a new car silly, BUT jump up and down, have a dance party, take a family photo to remember how that day felt.

If you have a large amount of debt like me, it can be a daily struggle to stay motivated.