15+ Easy and Delicious Leftover Halloween Candy Recipes

Wondering what to do with leftover Halloween candy? Our family always has gobs of leftover Halloween candy lying around for months after the holiday has already come and gone.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Kit Kat Crunch Bars

 Crunchy, sweet, and creamy, you better make a double batch of these!

Ultimate Reese’s Brownies

If you are overrun in Reese’s candy, this is the brownie recipe for you.

Snickers Cookie Bars

The coolest thing about these cookie bars is how flexible they are.

Leftover Halloween Candy Bark

Candy Bark is one of the easiest ways to use up your favorite leftover candy.

Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Brownies

Some of us love peanut butter cookie dough even better than the cookies.

These yummy treats will offer you some amazing ideas for using up large batches of candy.