How to Make Money Selling on Poshmark

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Are you looking for a fun and profitable side hustle, and want to learn how to make money on Poshmark?

Sign up for the Poshmark app here, and start selling today!  It’s super easy, and fun!

In this blog post you will learn:

  • The best tips on how to make more money on Poshmark
  • Learn how long does it take to make money on Poshmark
  • Find out how easy it is to make money on Poshmark
  • And, how to make good money selling on Poshmark

You already have a giant inventory in your home to stock your shop!

I’m a part time seller (solely for a little extra cash), so ALL of the inventory I sell on Poshmark comes from my closet!

Even just casually selling on Poshmark, I have made $907 this past year!

I have a huge stack of clothes sitting in my closet that need to be listed.  If I only had more time, I could easily make more money!

If you want to make big money selling on Poshmark, you will probably want to:

  • Set aside time every day to list new items.
  • Be active in the app several times per day.
  • Learn how to shop thrift stores for a steady flow of inventory
  • Learn how to sell clothing from the Poshmark Boutique.

More ways to make money from home:

How to Sell on Poshmark:  Make Money and De-clutter your home!

You can make a few bucks here and there, or turn it into a full fledged business.

In 2018 I made $500 just casually selling things from my closet.  I have now made over $900!

I sell my out of season clothes, my maternity and nursing clothing, my husband’s clothes, shoes, jackets, and I have STACKS of clothes that my 3 children are constantly outgrowing.

I’ve learned some pretty good tips in the last year, on how to really make money selling on Poshmark, and I can’t wait to see just how much I can make this year!

Like anything, the more you hustle the more you can make.

If you don’t have a Poshmark shop yet, sign up here and get to use toward a purchase.  Buy yourself a little something or cover the shipping on something big!

Related PostSide Hustle Ideas

How Easy Is it to Make Money on Poshmark?

  • The most time consuming part of selling on Poshmark, is probably taking photos and listing the clothing.
  • Once you list everything, it is pretty easy to make money on Poshmark.
  • The buyer makes a purchase, and Poshmark sends you a shipping label.
  • The shipping process is so simple.
  • Poshmark provides flat rate shipping labels to download and print right from home.
  • I love it because I just pack it up and drop it off at the nearest mail box on my way to work, or whatever outing or errands we have planned that day.

Going to the post office with 3 kids is not my idea of a good time, so I love that the process is so easy.

I like that I don’t have to worry about weighing the package or losing money on shipping like I have experienced when selling on EBay.

I also love that you can do everything from your cell phone!

Download the app, take pictures of your items, and list in minutes.  It’s so easy, and I can share my listings from my bed at night.

Once the buyer receives the item and accepts it, your cash is available for direct deposit into your account, or you can use the money as credit toward purchases in the app!

How to make money selling on Poshmark
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What I don’t like about Selling on Poshmark

Poshmark does take a commission of your earnings, but I personally think it’s worth it for the ease of use.

The fees for selling on Poshmark are as follows:

  • Flat $2.95 fee for all sales under $15
  • Poshmark takes 20% commission on sales over $15

How Long Does it Take to Make Money on Poshmark

  • If you have a popular item, you might make a sale the same day you list it!
  • Most of the time, it takes a few days (but can take longer) to make a sale.
  • You can expedite you sales, by sharing other “Posher” items, so they will share yours!
  • When someone purchases your item, the money will not be available until the item is shipped and delivered.
  • Once the item has been delivered and the buyer accepts, your earnings are redeemable.
  • It’s easy to transfer your earnings directly to your bank account, or you can use your new found cash toward purchases.  I do this often when buying clothes for the kids.

How to Make the Most Money on Poshmark

  • If you want to make the most money on Poshmark, list new items frequently.
  • When I have had my best months, I was listing 2-3 items every day. 
  • It can be time consuming to list items, so it might be helpful for you to take all of the pictures one day a week, and list a few each day or at least every other day.
  • You should have a well stocked closet.  The more items you have to sell, the more you can earn.

As a buyer, when I find something I like I am more likely to buy if I can find 2 or 3 items from the same closet.  Since the buyer pays one flat shipping fee, it makes since to get more items per sale!

You can incentivize buyers to purchase more, by offering them a discount on bundles of items from your shop.

How to Make Money Selling on Poshmark
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How to Make a Ton of Money on Poshmark- My Best Tips!

  • It’s important to take nice, clear, well-lit photos.
    • I use my cell phone, but I wait until there is good natural light coming in the house so I can get pretty photos.
    • There are some accounts that do an amazing job of flat lays and lifestyle photos.
    • If you are trying to make this a full time gig, you should definitely take time to learn how to take quality photos and product shots.
  • Make sure to share items from your closet daily so they have a better chance of being seen.
  • You also want to share items from other seller closets.
    • Poshmark is a social selling app, and wants sellers to like and share other’s items frequently.
  • Once you have received a few likes on an item, you can send a private discount with the “offer to likers” feature.
    • This is usually how I make the most sales.  People love a good discount!
  • Don’t be afraid to send an offer to the buyer right away.
    • You don’t want to miss out on an opportunity if the buyer is already in shopping mode!
  • Take the time to write good, long descriptions that have strong keywords that people might be searching for.

You can check out my Poshmark closet and follow me @frugalfootdoc, and sign up to shop or sell here.

Simple and easy to use money saving apps to stretch your monthly budget and save extra cash for iphone or android phones.
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I find some amazing deals on kids clothes, as well designer brands for myself.

Related PostHow to Save Money on Kid’s Clothing

You can bundle items from the same seller to save on shipping, and make offers to the seller to get the best deal.

How to Become a Poshmark Ambassador and Make More Money

As a casual poshmark seller, it took me about a year of being active in the app, to reach Poshmark Ambassador status.

In order to become a Poshmark Ambassador you need to reach the following goals:

  • Share listings of other Poshers in the community at least 5,000 times.
  • Share your own listings at list 5,000 times.
  • Share at least 50 listings from brand new Poshers.
  • Have at least 60 listings available for purchase in your Poshmark store.
  • Make at least 15 sales.
  • Keep an average purchase rating of at least 4.5 stars.
  • Uphold an average ship time of less than 3 days.
  • Leave at least one “love note”, (or comment), on another Posher’s shop.

Once you become a Poshmark Ambassador, you will start being recommended as someone to follow.  I started getting tons of new followers every day after I hit Ambassador status.

More followers equals more views on your shop, and the ability to make more sales!

How to Make Money as a Poshmark Affiliate

As a Poshmark Ambassador, you have access to affiliate campaigns.

Affiliate campaigns are another way you can make money on Poshmark.

Poshmark affiliate campaigns are a fun and simple way to make money by posting about the app, your shop, or your selling/shopping experience on Poshmark.

You will post to Instagram or Facebook, and receive $10 of Poshmark credit for each post!

This is a seriously simple way to make money and use to shop for your clothes!  Yay for free clothing and accessories!

I seriously love this app.  If you want to make money on Poshmark, you CAN!

It might take a little bit of work, but it’s a side hustle that you can do from home on your own schedule.

Install the free app now, and use code FRUGALFOOTDOC to get $5 off your first order.  Start shopping brands at up to 70% off today!

More ways to make money from home:

How to make money selling on Poshmark
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How to make money selling on Poshmark
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hi! I'm shannon

I’m a wife, mom of three, doctor, and blogger! In 2018, I decided to turn my mom blog, into a personal finance blog so others could follow along on our journey to pay off over HALF a MILLION dollars in student loan and practice start up debt. I hope you enjoy following along, and maybe even find some inspiration along the way.