Debt Pay Off Take Off SALE

Struggling to stick to a budget?

Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck, even though you work all the time?

Frustrated that you can't afford vacations and experiences with your kids?

Worried at the end of every month, that you won't be able to buy groceries or pay the mortgage?

Imagine what it would feel like to…

Save money for the future…instead of giving it

all away to debt payments.

Put all of your bills on auto pay because you're

confident that you have money in the bank.

Be 100% debt free.

What if, in just a few short weeks, you had a PLAN in place and you were confidently working toward these goals…


Debt Pay Off Take Off

Stop overspending, Stick to a budget,

and Stay Motivated on your Debt free journey.

Not ready to commit to the whole course?

Get started with the first module (figure out where you're money is going and stop overspending) for only $15.

You'll also receive a coupon to upgrade to the full course at anytime!

Enroll in Debt Pay Off Take Off today and get $60 OFF the full price!

You'll receive a step by step plan to stop overspending, cut expenses, create a budget, and stay motivated on your debt free journey.

Includes a private group for ongoing coaching + support.

What's included?

Module 1: You will figure out where your money is going, and where you are most likely to overspend.

Module 2: Learn strategies to cut your expenses so you can free up more money in your budget.

Module 3: Create a budget that works for you, without feeling like you can never have fun again!

Module 4: Map out your debt pay off plan, and learn how to stay motivated so you can achieve your goal!


Private Facebook Group to get your questions answered.

Worksheets to keep you organized and on track.

Monthly live coaching sessions: $300 value (INCLUDED!)

When you've completed the course,

you will have a STEP BY STEP plan to pay off debt, no matter how large it is!


This affordable alternative to pricey financial coaching, will only be on sale for a few days!

Then the price will go back up!

What people are saying…

Debt Pay Off Take Off

Stop overspending, Stick to a budget,

and Stay Motivated on your Debt free journey.

Not ready to commit to the whole course?

Get started with the first module (figure out where your money is going and stop overspending) for only $15.

You'll also receive a coupon to upgrade to the full course at anytime!

Enroll in Debt Pay Off Take Off today and get $60 OFF the full price!

You'll receive a step by step plan to stop overspending, cut expenses, create a budget, and stay motivated on your debt free journey.

Includes a private Facebook group for ongoing coaching + support.

You don't have to struggle like this. You CAN create a debt pay off plan that works!

I've been there.

Totally overwhelmed by debt, with no idea where or how to start.

I desperately wanted someone to sit down with me, and walk me through the process.

I even tried meeting with a financial adviser, and left feeling even more hopeless than before.

This is debt pay off coaching created by someone just like you!

Since beginning our debt pay off journey in 2019, we have paid off almost $200K of debt!

Our income didn't suddenly increase, and we didn't win the lottery. We did it all by sticking to a budget, drastically cutting our expenses, and creating a debt pay off plan (yes, even through COVID)!

You can do it too!

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start?

You will get immediate access to the course, and can work at your own pace.

How long do I have to finish?

You will get lifetime access to the course and all future updates, so you can take as long as you need.

Is it worth the price?

Most people that take the course seriously, find hundreds of dollars in their budget after the first module alone!

If you follow the steps and make the changes to your money habits, you should

save much more than you spend on the course.

I am passionate about helping women feel confident in their ability to manage money.

I'm here to help you create a debt payoff plan that works, and cheer you on as you go through the journey.

If you're ready get started on your debt pay off plan, grab the course for only $67!

Financial coaching sessions can cost as much as $150 per session. With Debt Pay Off Take Off, you get unlimited financial coaching for a one time affordable price!

I can't wait to see your transformation from completely overwhelmed to confident and free!

Debt Pay Off Take Off

Stop overspending, Stick to a budget,

and Stay Motivated on your Debt free journey.

Not ready to commit to the whole course?

Get started with the first module (figure out where your money is going and stop overspending) for only $15.

You'll also receive a coupon to upgrade to the full course at anytime!

Enroll in Debt Pay Off Take Off today and get $60 OFF the full price!

You'll receive a step by step plan to stop overspending, cut expenses, create a budget, and stay motivated on your debt free journey.

Includes a private Facebook group for ongoing coaching + support.

100% Happiness Guarantee

I want you to have the tools to create a debt pay off plan that you feel confident about!

If you start the course, and decide it's not for you. Simply let me know within 30 days, and I will send you a refund. Easy as that!

There's absolutely no risk to you.



hi! I'm shannon

I’m a wife, mom of three, doctor, and blogger! In 2018, I decided to turn my mom blog, into a personal finance blog so others could follow along on our journey to pay off over HALF a MILLION dollars in student loan and practice start up debt. I hope you enjoy following along, and maybe even find some inspiration along the way.